Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Celtic Solstice Mystery

Easy Street at the Long Arm Quilter

Paint Chips have been picked up

Fabric selections pulled

Ready to roll on Black Friday.

I have all my fabric stacked, but am still debating if I should pick my own color line.  Am falling in love with grays, yellows, reds, off white, and blacks.  

I have only seen one person mention that they were going with Christmas Colors.  

If you are going to your own colors please post.  Thanks.

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Easy Street Is Finally Done

I have not been blogging for some time now, I am looking to change this.
Easy Street has been done now for a while, No it is not quilted yet, but I am looking to get it done in the very near future.

 So here she is, I kept the boarder simple, I seen some suggestions for more complex boarders but opt for  a simple trim boarder that accented ES pattern colors.

 This is going to be used in the bedroom the kid have named the Purple Palace.  The have been so many color variation of ES, but I did not have the confidence to change it up.  I once did a retreat where we had a mystery, and the colors I chose were not agreeable to the pattern design.  It was a disappointment because you work just as hard on an ugly quilt as you do a pretty one!

The wind was blowing and the sun was out, I happened to catch the underside of ES and captured this view.  Looks like Stained Glass.
I want to leave you with one last pic.  We live in the county and we were out and seen this reflection coming from the east.....Now the Sun Sets in the West... what are these light beams coming from?

A Google search solved this mystery.  Anticrepuscular rays are similar to  crepuscular rays,  but seen opposite the sun in the sky. Anti-crepuscular rays are near-parallel, but appear to converge at the  anti solar point because of linear perspective. Anti-crepuscular rays are most frequently visible near sunrise or sunset.

Monday, January 7, 2013

Easy Street Mystery Revealed

Well bloggers I've been away..."missing in action."   We had company here over the holidays.  Twelve house guest, 2 dogs, and 5 cats.  WOW!!

So due the holiday celebration, I was not able to continue to keep up with weekly posts or, sew on my Bonnie Hunter Easy Street  mystery (ES).  Click here   Well the new year is here, all the celebration is over and I am trying to catch up.  If you've been surfing the blogs you may have noticed some quilters are already done sewing their quilt top,in fact,  I even seen one ES quilt that was quilted already.   (I finally got my RRCB quilted from Bonnie's mystery 2 years ago, talk about being behind.)

So here are a few pic's of my progress.  It is my intention to complete my ES by the end of January 2013.  And speaking of celebration, when I picked up my RRCB at the quilter/shop there was a free box.......look what came home with me.

I think there is 7 to 8 yard of good quality fabric here.  I may use some of this as a pieced back for ES.  

                                                 This is what is up on my design wall.

Below is what I am using for leaders and enders.  I have 261 bow-ties so far.  I will continue until I am out of the cheddar and let the quilt tell me how big it will be.

                                         Cleaning out whatever scraps I have around.
                                         And this is what I have left to sew together.  



Thursday, December 13, 2012

Easy Street Week 3

And the mystery continues to unfold.  If you have not gone to Bonnie Hunter's Blog yet, click HERE.  Check out how others are keeping up with the progress of the mysterious Easy Street.

 This is the 3rd week for Easy Street.   The cutting hasn't been too bad, and I most say that the directions are outstanding.

 Here is the line of of the 3rd set of piecing.  I do love these colors.

These are the rejects.  I couldn't let these slide by.  These and others were taken apart and reconstructed.  They were too wonky and did not measure 3.5".  Yep!  some I even did 3x's.  I measured my distance from my needle correctly, but I believe my cutting may have been off.  I need to pay more attention to the angle of how I use the rotary cutter.  Did any one else have the same trouble I did?


 I also believe it was a factor in why my points did not all meet (left ok, right off).  But I can live with that little bit, at least my geese have heads.    (Quilt police alert  lol)

Friday, December 7, 2012

Quilt Fame Donation

This is the quilt frame I was given at a local yard sale.  I thought it was the type you could sandwich it together to then remove and quilt on your lap, instead it is the type that stays in the frame while quilting.  I sure it has some value (maybe antique, anyone know) but I found it a new home.

Why?  Because I have one already and it is much more up-date  I simply did not understand it's description when it was gifted to me.  So I will pass on the generosity to someone else.

This frame has been sitting in my basement for too long.  It time to GO.

There is a group of quilter with newbies that will be picking this frame up.   I hope they enjoy it.

Well its Friday and Clue #3 was released.  I thought we were done with black on white but this set of instructions include the black on white fabric and simple am low in that dept.

So I will be posting later after a quick run into town for some serious shopping.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Easy Street Week Two The Flying Geese

 And so the mystery continues to unfold.  By this time there will be millions of flying geese in various locations.  And if you hop on over to Boonie Hunters site you can take in the rainbow of colors.

Here is my interpretation of Bonnie's instructions.  Being a scrappy quilter, I am confident of my colors and the mixture makes me happy.  I have some fabrics I pulled out from the late 80's and placed them next to the ones from 2012........IT'S A TIME TRAVEL THING.

And here is what I have so far.  The colors are coming together nicely.  Can't wait to cut into the apple green and turquoise.

It still not to late to get in on the mystery.  Remember Bonnie put this out for us in December for a limited time.  Sometimes people are left disappointed because they failed to jump.  Click here to view everyone's progress.  Bonnie has a tab at the top of her site indicating Easy Street to get in on the action.